phpBB 3.1.9 发布了,该版本主要是修改一些BUGS,在使用有可能最直接相关的应该算是缓存模式的调整。
phpBB是自由软件,也是开放源代码的网络论坛系统,使用PHP作为程式语言,并支持如MySQL、PostgreSQL、MSSQL、SQLite、Microsoft Access与Oracle等的资料库。
Respect X-Forwarded-Headers for upgrading non-SSL to SSL connection - Proxy's request to upgrade users to using SSL instead of non-SSL communication will be correctly respected (e.g. when using HAproxy). This requires default ports for SSL and can only be used for upgrading from non-SSL to SSL and not to downgrade from SSL to non-SSL.
Disable sending headers - Extension authors can disable sending headers in the page_header() function and the controller helper's render() method
Removed automatic approve of unapproved posts - Editing an unapproved post as a moderator will no longer automatically approve it.
Email queue not cached by opcache - Email queue won't be cached by opcache anymore. This caused issues with dulicate emails.
Correct column default in MSSQL - Database column default will no longer be incorrectly escaped in MSSQL (caused upgrade issues for 3.0.x to 3.1.x)
Modified since for files served with download/file.php - The modified since header was not correctly served
File update when using non-file based cache - Admins updating when using caches like memcache no longer see the comparing files page over and over again when looking at file changes
Attachments display according to the correct BBCode ID - Attachments displayed now correctly correspond to the ones defined by the attachment BBCodes that were added using the frontend