Apache Fortress 1.0.0 发布了,Apache Fortress™ 是一个基于 Open Source Identity Access Management 标准的 Java 实现,用于 LDAP v3 兼容系统。100% 兼容 RBAC, ARBAC02 和 IETF 的密码策略草案。
If you see FORTRESS_HOME, refer to the package root folder.
If you see OPENLDAP_HOME, refer to the root of OpenLDAP binary installation folder, e.g. /opt/etc/openldap
This package's Apache Maven pom.xml and Apache Ant build.xml files are found in root folder.
Apache Ant is deprecated, but still used for some things.
The configuration subsystem README-CONFIG has more details.
Questions about this software package should be directed to its mailing list: