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Ghost 0.7.9 发布,Node.js 博客系统


Ghost 0.7.9 发布了,Ghost 是一个开源的博客平台,  可以把他看作 WordPress 的一个挑战者. 现阶段的 WordPress 已经可以明显感觉到有些臃肿不堪, 无论是构架, 设计,  还是实现处处都显示出这是一个 10 年前就诞生的项目, 尤其是最近几个版本更新, 几乎都只是在功能和交互层面作出改进,  而看不到本质上的进步和优化. 因此我更愿意把 Ghost 看作 WordPress 的继任者. 同时, Ghost 基于 JavasSript 的 Node.js 进行开发, 在可预见的未来里, JS 无疑比 PHP 有着更多的优势.


  • [Improved] Static pages now have structured data, just like posts, so they will pass validation for twitter cards and other social media sharing tools.

  • [Improved] Relaxed CORS handling, meaning less people should have issues logging in to their blog if their URL isn't configured exactly right.

  • [Improved] Draft post slugs (urls) are updated when the title changes, so that you don't get weird half-titles in slugs anymore.

  • [Fixed] Static files immediately result in a 404, because trying a filename with a trailing slash on the end is never going to result in a happier ending.

  • [Fixed] Incorrect preview link & icon position in the editor making it easier to preview your post by clicking the word "preview" at the bottom of the editor.

  • [Fixed] Requesting url as a field from the Posts API didn't return the correct response (Public API Beta).

  • [Changed] Trusted domains now require their protocol be included. See below for details (Public API Beta).



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