ReSharper Ultimate 2016.1 正式版发布了,ReSharper是一款由jetbrains开发的针对C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, XML, 和 XAML的编辑器。沿袭了jetbrains开发工具一贯的优良传统,ReSharper拥有高度智能的纠错,30多种高级代码重构功能,方便的单元测试 工具,快速导航、检索,以及一键格式化代码,自动代码生成和模板功能等很多特性。
A variety of new context actions: ReSharper 2016.1 brings a set of newAlt+Enteractions to check method input parameters, manipulate strings, convert strings to objects, comment and uncomment code selections, and many more!
A new Invert Boolean Member refactoring. The refactoring can be invoked on a method, property, local variable or a parameter to invert the boolean value it returns and update other members that receive values from it.
Smart Paste feature that ensures the right escaping in string literals that you copy/paste around your code. It works in C#, VB.NET, JavaScript, XML, XAML and HTML files.