LiteIDE X29发布,修复BUG,开始支持Delve调试器,默认支持Go1.6的Vendor机制。
### 2016.4.15 Ver X29 * LiteIDE * support for multiple debuggers * support Delve debugger * env GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 default setup * LiteBuild * fix project folder id named go, error find go tool * fix project folder contains spaces run failed * fix output number of rows exceeds the maximum input fails * add output add automatic positioning cursor option * add single go file test action * add folder context menu more go tool action * LiteEnv * env GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 default setup * LiteDebug * support for multiple debuggers * debug berore auto go build -gcflags "-N -l" * fix stack frame clicked to doubleClocked * DlvDebugger * support dlv debugger * simulation execution 'step-out' * GdbDebugger * fix show frame line locate * fix goto line action * LiteEditor * display limit tip line info * GolangEdit * fix folder contains spaces, gotools fails * gotools * add gotest action, test single go file * fix types info, display pkg real name