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Django 1.9.2/1.8.9 发布


Django 1.9.2/1.8.9 发布,其中1.8.9更新如下:


  • Fixed a regression that caused the “user-tools” items to display on the admin’s logout page (#26035).

  • Fixed a crash in the translations system when the current language has no translations (#26046).

  • Fixed a regression that caused the incorrect day to be selected when opening the admin calendar widget for timezones from GMT+0100 to GMT+1200 (#24980).

  • Fixed a regression in 1.8.8 causing incorrect index handling in migrations on PostgreSQL when adding db_index=True or unique=True to aCharField or TextField that already had the other specified, or when removing one of them from a field that had both, or when addingunique=True to a field already listed in unique_together(#26034).

  • Fixed a crash when using an __in lookup inside a Case expression (#26071).

  • Fixed a crash when using a reverse OneToOneField inModelAdmin.readonly_fields (#26060).

  • Fixed a regression in Django 1.8.5 that broke copying a SimpleLazyObjectwith copy.copy() (#26122).

  • Fixed the contrib.gis map widgets when usingUSE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR=True (#20415).

1.9.2 的主要更新如下:

  • Security issue: User with “change” but not “add” permission can create objects for ModelAdmin’s with save_as=True


Django 是 Python 编程语言驱动的一个开源模型-视图-控制器(MVC)风格的 Web 应用程序框架。使用 Django,我们在几分钟之内就可以创建高品质、易维护、数据库驱动的应用程序。

Django 框架的核心组件有:

  • 用于创建模型的对象关系映射

  • 为最终用户设计的完美管理界面

  • 一流的 URL 设计

  • 设计者友好的模板语言

  • 缓存系统

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