form-binder v0.12.2 发布,主要改动是,调整了 Mapping 附件/扩展信息 的使用方式。
case class Attachment( _in: Option[String] = None, _desc: Option[String] = None ) case class AttachmentBuilder[T](mapping: Mapping[T], attachment: Attachment) { def in(in: String) = copy(mapping, attachment.copy(_in = Some(in))) def desc(desc: String) = copy(mapping, attachment.copy(_desc = Some(desc))) def $$ = mapping.options(_.copy(_attachment = Some(attachment))) } implicit class AttachmentImplicit[T](mapping: Mapping[T]) { def $ = AttachmentBuilder(mapping, mapping.options._attachment.getOrElse(Attachment()).asInstanceOf[Attachment]) }
tmapping( "id" -> long().$.in("path").$$.$.desc("pet id").$$, "name" -> text().$.in("query").desc("pet name").$$ ).fields.foreach { case ("id", id) => id.options._attachment.orNull should be (Attachment(Some("path"), Some("pet id"))) case ("name", name) => name.options._attachment.orNull should be (Attachment(Some("query"), Some("pet name"))) }
使用方式更优雅,同时 Mapping trait 中去掉了不再需要的 `$ext` 方法。完整代码看 这里。
另外,就是 Mapping trait 中 `mapTo` 重命名为 `map` (含义和 collection、option 的 map 一致,就不取另外的名字了)。