Inoic 2.0.0-beta.4 发布了。主要更新内容如下:
action-sheet: action sheet button shortens when activated in Safari (6d55abc), closes #5828
alert: disable listeners until ready (5844703), closes #5821
alert: prevent both click and enter keyup from firing (2000b1e)
build: output.css needs to exist prior to doc gen (7dfbb9d)
button: normalize generated button class names (5f621ab)
card: maintain card width when absolute positioned (349c577)
config: improve getBoolean() and getNumber() (d44f8f6)
generators: add tabs Sass file (80109b8)
generators: add TS tabs generator (3ad15b1)
img: only load ion-img when visible (0701338)
infinitescroll: always check on scroll change (fe04c51)
input: add event emitters for blur and focus to the ion-input component (3e88fe9), closes #5487
input: align item right to the bottom for windows mode (b3bea83)
input: update width of inputs so they don't exceed the item (4d4f1d4), closes #5835
ion-infinite-scroll: Fix error leaving page (05823f9)
label: add color to label in a select (8fff76e)
loading: fix animation for loading the first time (6cd90ee)
nav: correctly set zIndex when there's a previous view (1dd73aa)
nav: portal nav should always animate (86fc741), closes #6059
Nav: fixes swipeBackEnabled as attribute (17c3886), closes #5653
platform: windows UA should not trigger iOS (6dae784)
router: fix nested ion-nav router (b063566)
sass: change map-get to use color function in default themes (30bb005)
scroll: correctly resolve when scrolling finishes (35a3357)
searchbar: add padding around the floating searchbar wp (5ca6bf4), closes #5921
searchbar: call the input changed event on input not keyup (94707bf), closes #5584
searchbar: fix the border color and toolbar padding (0e91a69)
select: change windows border colors for selects to match input (6063932)
select: fix select styling on windows mode (a4fc96d), closes #5787
select: make select full width when with a stacked/floating label (4e37524), closes #5715
toolbar: fix back button for md mode (7dc58ef), closes #5923
toolbar: fix wp back button in toolbar (9a23a92)
toolbar: reduce min width on back button for wp mode (96375b6), closes #5759
ViewController: call onDismiss after transition ends (24443c3), closes #5818
img: create ion-img (7a82727)
ion-content: adds for non-scrollable page content (442d135), closes #5987
loading: add ability to hide spinner in the config or options (dae37e7)
loading: add internal stack for the loading service (d3fa29f)
loading: add loading indicator component and s (a485cd0)
router: allow multiple routers (3733ebc)
sass: add support for contrast color in MD mode colors map (9efa3ea)
sass: add support for contrast in color map for wp mode (5f2e737)
sass: add the ability to pass a contrast color in the colors map to iOS (ff1a8ac)
storage: clear() removes all entries in the storage engine (6e7cc97)
sass: 现在可以colors map对比:references #5445