Apache Commons Compress 1.11 发布了,Commons Compress 用以实现将文件压缩或解压成 tar、zip、bzip2 等格式。该版本增加了一些新特性:
o TarArchiveInputStream now supports reading global PAX headers.
Issue: COMPRESS-347.
o The PAX headers for sparse entries written by star are now
Issue: COMPRESS-346.
o GNU sparse files using one of the PAX formats are now
detected, but cannot be extracted.
Issue: COMPRESS-345.
o New method SevenZFile.getEntries can be used to list the
contents of a 7z archive.
Issue: COMPRESS-341.
o When using Zip64Mode.Always also use ZIP64 extensions inside
the central directory.
GitHub Pull Request #10 Thanks to Matt Hovey.
o ZipFile.getRawInputStream() is now part of the public API
Issue: COMPRESS-323.
o Allow byte-for-byte replication of Zip entries.
GitHub Pull Request #6. Thanks to Jason van Zyl.
o TarArchiveEntry's preserveLeadingSlashes is now a property and used
on later calls to setName, too.
This behavior is a breaking change.
Issue: COMPRESS-328.
o Added read-only support for bzip2 compression used inside of
ZIP archives.
GitHub Pull Request #4. Thanks to Sören Glimm.