Drupal 8.1.0 RC1 发布了,该版本值得关注的内容:
Installs on php-fpm environments may see fatal errors on enabling modules, due to #2572293: Do not rebuild router in kernel.terminate.
There is not yet per-commit testing for MySQL 5.7.9 or MariaDB 10.1.8 (both released October 2015), but there are no known issues with them. We intend to add per-commit testing on one of these databases in the future.
Particular Apache configurations may have issues with serving public file assets. Issue: #2619250: Disabling -MultiViews in .htaccess can cause 500 errors
#2701027 by Gábor Hojtsy: Drupal 8 UPGRADE.txt is misleading in many ways (in its name to begin with)
#1850080 by amateescu, dawehner, Xano, bojanz, martin107, Pancho, alexpott, tim.plunkett, icseh., stefank, Gábor Hojtsy, jhodgdon, tstoeckler: Entity type labels lack plurality, cannot generate UI text based on label if plural is needed
Revert "Issue #1850080 by amateescu, dawehner, Xano, bojanz, martin107, Pancho, alexpott, tim.plunkett, icseh., stefank, Gábor Hojtsy, jhodgdon, tstoeckler: Entity type labels lack plurality, cannot generate UI text based on label if plural is needed"
#2674408 by alexpott: Fix "Drupal.Classes.UnusedUseStatement" standard in core
#2694243 by marthinal, jhodgdon: node_field_data and search_index tables should match on langcode