Rqlite v2.0 发布了,rqlite 是一个用 Go 语言开发的分布式系统,提供 SQLite 数据库的复制功能。rqlite 使用 Raft来确保所有 SQLite 数据库实例的一致性。rqlite 确保每个数据库改变能同步到全部的节点,要么就一个都不同步。
rqlite 提供了数据库的容错以及复制,而且安装、发布和运维都非常简单。
A new API that is much easier to work with. Thanks to Zac Medico for triggering these changes. Zac has also created a Python library for rqlite.
The consensus system has been ported to Hashicorp’s Raft consensus module, which is used in production by many systems.
Configurable read-consistency levels, allowing you to trade-off faster queries with consistency guarantees.
Support for in-memory SQLite databases.
Hot backup support.
A better status and diagnostics API.