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Apache Olingo 4.2.0 发布,实现 OData


Apache Olingo 4.2.0 发布了。改进记录如下:
[OLINGO-777] - samples/server is not returning entity/entitycollections in xml
[OLINGO-810] - Parameter aliases are not allowed in comnbination with
key predicates
[OLINGO-811] - Use of $count for expanded items does not work
[OLINGO-848] - Client-Proxy: getting a property of an entity flags the
entity as changed
[OLINGO-853] - Datetime values not properly encoded in OData entity identifiers
[OLINGO-854] - String values are not encoded correctly in EdmString.toUriLiteral
[OLINGO-861] - MetaDataParser unable to build EdmProvider from Edmx
files with references
[OLINGO-862] - MediaEntity Type: HasStream is not inherited
[OLINGO-863] - MetaDataParser unable to handle more than one Schemas
in a single Edmx file
[OLINGO-864] - EdmDate and EdmTimeOfDay output in local timezone
[OLINGO-865] - Derived types without odata.type annotation
[OLINGO-866] - Edm ActionImport deserialize does not read Annotation
[OLINGO-868] - MetaDataParser unable to handle Terms with more than
one value for "AppliesTo" Attribute
[OLINGO-869] - MetaDataParser unable to handle Properties/Terms
defined with Type "Edm.PropertyPath" or Collection(Edm.PropertyPath)
[OLINGO-878] - XML 1.0 invalid characters not supported in Odata Atom feed
[OLINGO-884] - Stream update of contained media entities not possible
[OLINGO-887] - Failure in EdmDateTest.valueToString:56
[OLINGO-890] - Client-Proxy: expanding to a contained entity set
results in an error
[OLINGO-897] - Cannot filter on derived properties - startTypeFilter
in MemberImpl is ignored
[OLINGO-898] - Create entities of derived types -
ODataJsonDeserializer ignoring odata.type in navigation links
[OLINGO-903] - ?$format=json does not work when entity or collection
is nonexistent
[OLINGO-904] - $crossjoin with $expand not being parsed correctly
[OLINGO-906] - ODataXMLSerializer returning HTTP status code as internal code
[OLINGO-907] - Entity-Id handling is in-correct in "server-core-ext" module
[OLINGO-908] - "Method Not Allowed" response must include allowed methods
[OLINGO-911] - "server-core-ext" handling the PUT/DELETE of $value
handling in-correct
[OLINGO-912] - Serializer does not support writing $expand($count=true) value
[OLINGO-913] - SchemaBasedEdmProvider using wrong EntityContainer FQN
to gets items
[OLINGO-914] - Annotation @odata.id must be present if entity's key
fields are omitted from the response
[OLINGO-915] - FunctionImports should also support additional SystemQueryOptions
[OLINGO-916] - Parse of URI with single guid key predicate fails
[OLINGO-925] - EdmxReference package is in both commons-api and Server-api

[OLINGO-834] - Refactoring URI Parsing
[OLINGO-846] - Flexible URL parsing for System Query Options
[OLINGO-851] - V4 Enhance EdmMapping object to contain internal names
[OLINGO-852] - V4 code cleanup epic for 4.2.0
[OLINGO-855] - Add Support/Validation for OData-Isolation header in
server-ext module
[OLINGO-874] - Odata4HttpHandler does not have proper error handling
[OLINGO-877] - Collection of Complex Values should be supported on URL
as Function Parameter
[OLINGO-880] - Load OData Core annotation vocabularies implicitly in
[OLINGO-902] - V2 Date calculations in filter expressions (OASIS-917 issue)
[OLINGO-921] - Add Server Extension to ZIP distribution

New Feature
[OLINGO-801] - Complex Parameters for FunctionImports
[OLINGO-825] - Create entities of derived types -
ODataJsonDeserializer ignoring odata.type
[OLINGO-832] - Provide streaming support for response (entity) serialization

[OLINGO-845] - When JPA and JPA Annotation Processor will be made
available in Olingo 4

[OLINGO-922] - Build 4.2.0 Release


Apache Olingo 是个 Java 库,用来实现 Open Data Protocol (OData)。 Apache Olingo 包括服务客户端和 OData 服务器方面。当前支持 OData 2.0 ,未来会支持 OData 4.0。Apache Olingo 扩展部分支持 JPA 持久性或者注释 bean 类。

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