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Sphinx 1.4 发布,Python 开发程序文档工具


Python 开发的程序文档工具 —— Sphinx 发布 1.4 版本,Sphinx 简单来说,是一个文档生成工具,用于把reStructuredText 格式的源文件生成诸如HTML, PDF, LaTex一类的格式。编辑者无须亲自处理文本的格式, 程序会自动根据源文件里的设置产生格式, 以及自动生成章节链接等工作。


Incompatible changes
* Drop ``PorterStemmer`` package support. Use ``PyStemmer`` instead of ``PorterStemmer``
  to accelerate stemming.
* sphinx_rtd_theme has become optional. Please install it manually.
  Refs #2087, #2086, #1845 and #2097. Thanks to Victor Zverovich.
* #2231: Use DUrole instead of DUspan for custom roles in LaTeX writer. It enables to take
  title of roles as an argument of custom macros.
* #2022: 'Thumbs.db' and '.DS_Store' are added to `exclude_patterns` default values in
  conf.py that will be provided on sphinx-quickstart.
* #2027, #2208: The ``html_title`` accepts string values only. And The None value cannot be
* ``sphinx.ext.graphviz``: show graph image in inline by default
* #2060, #2224: The ``manpage`` role now generate ``sphinx.addnodes.manpage`` node instead
  of ``sphinx.addnodes.literal_emphasis`` node.
* #2022: :confval:`html_extra_path` also copies dotfiles in the extra directory, and
  refers to :confval:`exclude_patterns` to exclude extra files and directories.
* #2300: enhance autoclass:: to use the docstring of __new__ if __init__ method's is missing
  of empty
* #2251: Previously, under glossary directives, multiple terms for one definition are
  converted into single ``term`` node and the each terms in the term node are separated
  by ``termsep`` node. In new implementation, each terms are converted into individual
  ``term`` nodes and ``termsep`` node is removed.
  By this change, output layout of every builders are changed a bit.
* The default highlight language is now Python 3.  This means that source code
  is highlighted as Python 3 (which is mostly a superset of Python 2), and no
  parsing is attempted to distinguish valid code.  To get the old behavior back,
  add ``highlight_language = "python"`` to conf.py.
* `Locale Date Markup Language
  <http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Format_Patterns>`_ like
  ``"MMMM dd, YYYY"`` is default format for `today_fmt` and `html_last_updated_fmt`.
  However strftime format like ``"%B %d, %Y"`` is also supported for backward
  compatibility until Sphinx-1.5. Later format will be disabled from Sphinx-1.5.
* #2327: `latex_use_parts` is deprecated now. Use `latex_toplevel_sectioning` instead.
* #2337: Use ``\url{URL}`` macro instead of ``\href{URL}{URL}`` in LaTeX writer.
* #1498: manpage writer: don't make whole of item in definition list bold if it includes strong node.
* #582: Remove hint message from quick search box for html output.
* #2378: Sphinx now bundles newfloat.sty

Features added
* #2092: add todo directive support in napoleon package.
* #1962: when adding directives, roles or nodes from an extension, warn if such
  an element is already present (built-in or added by another extension).
* #1909: Add "doc" references to Intersphinx inventories.
* C++ type alias support (e.g., ``.. type:: T = int``).
* C++ template support for classes, functions, type aliases, and variables (#1729, #1314).
* C++, added new scope management directives ``namespace-push`` and ``namespace-pop``.
* #1970: Keyboard shortcuts to navigate Next and Previous topics
* Intersphinx: Added support for fetching Intersphinx inventories with URLs
  using HTTP basic auth.
* C++, added support for template parameter in function info field lists.
* C++, added support for pointers to member (function).
* #2113: Allow ``:class:`` option to code-block directive.
* #2192: Imgmath (pngmath with svg support).
* #2200: Support XeTeX and LuaTeX for the LaTeX builder.
* #1906: Use xcolor over color for \fcolorbox where available for LaTeX output.
* #2216: Texinputs makefile improvements.
* #2170: Support for Chinese language search index.
* #2214: Add sphinx.ext.githubpages to publish the docs on GitHub Pages
* #1030: Make page reference names for latex_show_pagerefs translatable
* #2162: Add Sphinx.add_source_parser() to add source_suffix and source_parsers from extension
* #2207: Add sphinx.parsers.Parser class; a base class for new parsers
* #656: Add ``graphviz_dot`` option to graphviz directives to switch the ``dot`` command
* #1939: Added the ``dummy`` builder: syntax check without output.
* #2230: Add ``math_number_all`` option to number all displayed math in math extensions
* #2235: ``needs_sphinx`` supports micro version comparison
* #2282: Add "language" attribute to html tag in the "basic" theme
* #1779: Add EPUB 3 builder
* #1751: Add :confval:`todo_link_only` to avoid file path and line indication on
  :rst:dir:`todolist`. Thanks to Francesco Montesano.
* #2199: Use ``imagesize`` package to obtain size of images.
* #1099: Add configurable retries to the linkcheck builder. Thanks to Alex Gaynor.
  Also don't check anchors starting with ``!``.
* #2300: enhance autoclass:: to use the docstring of __new__ if __init__ method's is missing
  of empty
* #1858: Add Sphinx.add_enumerable_node() to add enumerable nodes for numfig feature
* #1286, #2099: Add ``sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel`` extension to allow reference
  sections using its title. Thanks to Tadhg O'Higgins.
* #1854: Allow to choose Janome for Japanese splitter.
* #1853: support custom text splitter on html search with ``language='ja'``.
* #2320: classifier of glossary terms can be used for index entries grouping key.
  The classifier also be used for translation. See also :ref:`glossary-directive`.
* #2308: Define ``\tablecontinued`` macro to redefine the style of continued label for
* Select an image by similarity if multiple images are globbed by ``.. image:: filename.*``
* #1921: Support figure substitutions by :confval:`language` and :confval:`figure_language_filename`
* #2245: Add ``latex_elements["passoptionstopackages"]`` option to call PassOptionsToPackages
  in early stage of preambles.
* #2340: Math extension: support alignment of multiple equations for MathJAX.
* #2338: Define ``\titleref`` macro to redefine the style of ``title-reference`` roles.
* Define ``\menuselection`` and ``\accelerator`` macros to redefine the style of `menuselection` roles.
* Define ``\crossref`` macro to redefine the style of references
* #2301: Texts in the classic html theme should be hyphenated.
* #2355: Define ``\termref`` macro to redefine the style of ``term`` roles.
* Add :confval:`suppress_warnings` to suppress arbitrary warning message (experimental)
* #2229: Fix no warning is given for unknown options
* #2327: Add `latex_toplevel_sectioning` to switch the top level sectioning of LaTeX document.

Bugs fixed
* #1913: C++, fix assert bug for enumerators in next-to-global and global scope.
* C++, fix parsing of 'signed char' and 'unsigned char' as types.
* C++, add missing support for 'friend' functions.
* C++, add missing support for virtual base classes (thanks to Rapptz).
* C++, add support for final classes.
* C++, fix parsing of types prefixed with 'enum'.
* #2023: Dutch search support uses Danish stemming info.
* C++, add support for user-defined literals.
* #1804: Now html output wraps overflowed long-line-text in the sidebar. Thanks to
  Hassen ben tanfous.
* #2183: Fix porterstemmer causes ``make json`` to fail.
* #1899: Ensure list is sent to OptParse.
* #2164: Fix wrong check for pdftex inside sphinx.sty (for graphicx package option).
* #2165, #2218: Remove faulty and non-need conditional from sphinx.sty.
* Fix broken LaTeX code is generated if unknown language is given
* #1944: Fix rst_prolog breaks file-wide metadata
* #2074: make gettext should use canonical relative paths for .pot. Thanks to
  anatoly techtonik.
* #2311: Fix sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram raises AttributeError
* #2251: Line breaks in .rst files are transferred to .pot files in a wrong way.
* #794: Fix date formatting in latex output is not localized
* Remove ``image/gif`` from supported_image_types of LaTeX writer (#2272)
* Fix ValueError is raised if LANGUAGE is empty string
* Fix unpack warning is shown when the directives generated from ``Sphinx.add_crossref_type`` is used
* The default highlight language is now ``default``.  This means that source code
  is highlighted as Python 3 (which is mostly a superset of Python 2) if possible.
  To get the old behavior back, add ``highlight_language = "python"`` to conf.py.
* #2329: Refresh environment forcely if source directory has changed.
* #2331: Fix code-blocks are filled by block in dvi; remove ``xcdraw`` option from xcolor package
* Fix the confval type checker emits warnings if unicode is given to confvals which expects string value
* #2360: Fix numref in LaTeX output is broken
* #2361: Fix additional paragraphs inside the "compound" directive are indented
* #2364: Fix KeyError 'rootSymbol' on Sphinx upgrade from older version.
* #2348: Move amsmath and amssymb to before fontpkg on LaTeX writer.
* #2368: Ignore emacs lock files like ``.#foo.rst`` by default.
* #2262: literal_block and its caption has been separated by pagebreak in LaTeX output.
* #2319: Fix table counter is overrided by code-block's in LaTeX.  Thanks to jfbu.
* Fix unpack warning if combinated with 3rd party domain extensions.
* #1153: Fix figures in sidebar causes latex build error.
* #2358: Fix user-preamble could not override the tocdepth definition.
* #2358: Redece tocdepth if ``part`` or ``chapter`` is used for top_sectionlevel.
* #2351: Fix footnote spacing
* #2363: Fix ``toctree()`` in templates generates broken links in SingleHTMLBuilder.
* #2366: Fix empty hyperref is generated on toctree in HTML builder.


* #1757: Fix for usage of :confval:`html_last_updated_fmt`. Thanks to Ralf Hemmecke.

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