这是 Codenvy 基于下一代 Eclipse Che 的第一个正式支持版本。 Codenvy 和 Eclipse Che 已被重写具有普遍性的工作空间模型。
Fix test of backup and restore of Codenvy 4.x AIO #42 (dmytro-ndp)
remove codenvy-depmgt, move external dependency management to codenvy #40 (riuvshin)
CODENVY-318: remove codenvy analytic info from factory details #37 (olexii4)
CODENVY-306: parse user's credentials of proxy in 'codenvy' script #34 (dmytro-ndp)
CODENVY-312: add support of artifact version with GA #31 (dmytro-ndp)
CODENVY-296: fix IM CLI command of changing Codenvy on-prem hostname #29 (dmytro-ndp)
CHE-871: Add popup notifier for bad connection #28 (akorneta)
Revert "CHE-708: Add CORS Filter" #27 (dimasnurenko)
Do not send customer's password in plain text in Welcome to Codenvy email #26 (mmorhun)
Fix checking on the minimal disk space in Codenvy install bootstrap script #25 (dmytro-ndp)
CHE-794 Improve the UI of the PR panel #15 (vitaliy-guliy)
CHE-708: Add CORS Filter #13 (dimasnurenko)
Eclipse Che
Issues fixed with 'bugs' label:
Cannot launch a workspace after stopping tomcat with Che #913
Issues with no labels:
Provide horizontal navigation for 'Go to line' feature #910
Pull requests merged: