KDevelop 5.0.0 Beta2 发布,更新如下:
The Python support for scripts using numpy arrays in the debugger has been enhanced.
Quite a few left-over porting bugs were fixed throughout the codebase.
A KDE4 config migration has been added.
The frame stack view now highlights the crashed thread.
Our Includes & Defines and Compilers widgets got a UI cleanup.
The job to build with Make is now reporting its progress in the status bar, just like the Ninja job.
The Okteta plugin got revived.
The Grep View and Uses Widget now save vertical space.
On Windows, there is now better support for the various make flavours (nmake, mingw32-make, ...).
Also on Windows, we now parse MSVC warnings / errors from compiler output and highlight them properly.
On OS X, we enabled Hi DPI support.
Also on OS X, we don't start KIO slaves via dbus anymore, but just fork them off instead.
KDevelop-Project诞生于1998年,其目的是为KDE提供一个易用的集成开发环境(Integrated Development Environment)。此后,KDevelop IDE采用GPL进行发布, 它支持很多 程序设计语言.