ICEpdf 6.1.1 发布了。ICEpdf 是一个轻量级的开源 Java 语言的 PDF 类库。通过 ICEpdf 可以用来浏览、内容提取和转换 PDF 文档,而无须一些本地PDF库的支持。改进日志如下:
Rendering Core
Fixed issue where some dash line values can cause the JVM to crash.
Addressed a text extraction issue that failed to detect word separation on a rotation transformation.
Corrected an issue where optional content would fail to load if a page orphaned from parent pages object.
Fixed a pattern paint tilling issue that was obscuring page content.
Added code to correct for malformed transparency values.
Corrected an blending mode issue that was preventing the proper blending of four layered images.
Fixed a transparency state issue that was causing some PDF to render much lighter then intended.
Numerous content parser improvements for inline image parsing and malformed values.
Font Engine
Enhanced ligature mapping and added new API for setting custom mappings.
Added a new system property org.icepdf.core.text.optimized.type3=false which allows users to optionally turn off optimized text drawing for Type3 fonts.
Fixed an CID font issue what was causing a font parsing error.
Binary and source-code bundles