Linux Lite 2.8 正式版发布,更新如下:
Firefox 44.0
Thunderbird 38.5.1
LibreOffice 5.0.4~rc2
Base: 14.04.3
New Wallpapers.
Hardware Enablement Stack 3.19 Kernel - Thanks Zead
Help Manual now accessible from the Desktop.
Added BTRFS Support.
Added HEVC H.265 Support in VLC - Thanks rokytnji
Added xbacklight - Thanks Lenny
New Thunar Media Tags Plugin.
Hulu now works out of the box - Thanks tomt
Ctrl+Shift+Esc key combo, brings up the Task Manager - Thanks Teddy
Fixed bug where Blueman applet was storing files in /etc/skel - Thanks vaikus84
详情请看:release announcement.
下载地址:Downloads (MD5): linux-lite-2.8-64bit.iso (807MB, torrent, pkglist).
Linux Lite是对新手友好的Linux发行,它基于Xubuntu并以Xfce桌面为特色。